Friday, June 20, 2008


Well I have alittle time to what a time i've been having..... kaitlynn has caught a cold with fever.... Great just what i needed with Ashlynn being home.... ...I am beyond worn out... I need more sleep ... Ashlynn woke up at 10 , 12, 2, 4 and than 7 to eat... I had just got kk to sleep at 10 and once i got her to sleep little bit wakes up... go figure huh.....They dont even taake naps at the same time....... hehe....But I am loving being with both of them...... I've lost 26 lbs whooo hooo........ Well I was writing this blog to Thank my mom and my two sisters...... It was so nice of them to come over and bring me supper.. Thanks Marianne and Carrie.... thank you mom for everything you have done....I couldnt of done it without you..... thanks for the supper last night.... THANKS FOR EVERYTHING SISSY"S AND MOMMY !!! I LOVE YALL !!!!! And Carrie Ashlynn wore her outfit you bought her yesterday.... It didnt look to bad with her braces on........ I didnt think i was gonna beable to put the pants on but it worked out great,,, heres a pic of her in her outfit you got her.....Well My times running up... Ashlynn is fussin to get out the bed and sissy is trying totalkto her so i better go lol......... Thanks everyone........... (oh look her eyes are open for ya lol)

Monday, June 16, 2008

She's Home

we finally have our baby home !! Heres some pic

Friday, June 13, 2008

I"M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow whata time we've been having.......... Ashlynn is doing great she is off of everything now but iv for infection meds..... she will be coming home MONDAY !!!!!!! FINALLY !!!!! She does have hip problems .. her hip didnt pop in place so she will be wearing a harness for 6 weeks...... that will get her hip back in place... they will get us some home heatlh care to the house also and we will be bring her to Childrens hospital for check ups on her hips...... For me I am doing good now ..... i will be returning back to the dr about my gallbladder in about 2 weeks.... they will be doing surgery on me to remove one surgery to another surgery.......... Thanks for everyones prayers.... Heres some pictures of my angel !!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Grandmother and I

Well fould out yesterday everything is gonna be ok with my grandmother ..Im soexcited..... my mom had good news allday yesterday....... She called me asking how i was and everything was good...I was put in thehospital thursday for all kinds of testing... I have been very weak and dizzy...... theystill dont know why.... I am feeling alot better which yeswterday i got to go to walmart...... which i still have a few dizzy spells but nothinglike it was wed and thurs.......alot better...... they took me off of one of my blood pressure pills... so i only take one now.... which i have been having thebad head achs again........ so hopefully everything will be ok with just taking one... we will see..........

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


well i finally got myself out of bed....... been in bed all day... Frank made me get up to go outside for a little while to see if that would make me feel better.......... I had to be rushed to the dr this am .... I am having false cocntrations bad every 5 min they hurt tooo nothing fun .... feels like real ones... i also been feeling weak , dizzy and like im ognna pass out today... everything was fine at the dr but he had to do some blood work...... always fun ...........i go back tomorrow for my stress test and to see the just been really bad for me ... im about to go take a bath and get right back in bed.....Frank and Kaitlynn went to our uncles house so I'm home alone right now .. so i figure i better go get in the tub while kk is gone.. lol ... anyways that was my day .... not good ...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Grandmother and Dr. Apt ..

Well this weekend I went to Ms to see my Grandmother....... I wasnt expecting to see her like she was.......she got moved to jackson now.. which is good bc shes closer to us..... Please keep praying for her..shes not doing well....... Yeah and i made it there and back being 36 weeks preggo....... my back was in alot of pain and i didnt sleep but an hour there but it was all worth see her ............ I went to the dr today...... I had the nst test ...all good.... ultrasound for fluid and she took some more 4d pictures omg .. look at her fat cheeks ....... so cute.... everything went well at the dr apt .. i only gained 1 lb since friday whoo hooo bc i ate alot of junk on the way to my grandmothers and back........... so all is good with me .. i go back thursday to the dr and nst test whooo hoooo....... heres a pic of Ashlynn