Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2 month check up !~

My poor baby got 5 shots yes 5 poor thing...... and she got the oral polo drops !! she screamed and screamed getting them done... she bleed so bad the nurse was worried about her being a free bleeder./.. she bleed bad in the hospital too.. so something im gonna have to talk to the dr about.. my mil had blood all over her shirt thats how bad it was i thought i was gonna pass out ..lol...... anyways... the dr couldnt believe how much she grew!! She 11 lbs 4oz now WOW !! and shes 23 1/2 inches long ... shes getting tall !! WHOO HOOO.... shes grewing soooo much ..... heres a picture of her when she came homne from getting shots .. she was out !!!!

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