Thursday, May 22, 2008

Please Pray ....

Hey everyone.... My good friend just fould out that she lost her baby. She was 10 wks and 4 days preggo. She is really depressed right now and not to mention shes getting married sat ...... shes got alot on her right now.. she needs our prayers!!!!!

Also I havent posted in a while......went tue to the dr... blood pressure still up... stress test came out good..... Now today im 35 weeks and only 5 more to go.. I dont think its gonna wait 5 more weeks .........I think i have been having False Contractions.... having a few little cramps/ tighting... I had those with kk.......... Hopefull soon I will have this lil girl....Shes been beating me up hehe......I go back tues to the dr for another stress test and to see the dr again......Its so close !!!!! Please keep me in your prayers also with the high blood pressure.......I havent been feeling too great lately been feeling like im ognna pass out alot..... and i cant hardly breath..... If I just walk into the other room im like ahhhhhhhhhh .... lol..... poor kk i cant do alot like i use to with her.. Its so hard.............Anyways ..... Just keeping yall posted !!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Many prayers are being said!

Photography By Marianne said...

Always in my prayers!