Friday, July 25, 2008


guess i got a count down going .. 4 days no sleep....depressed ,,, stressed wut else .....she wont stop screaming

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No sleep

3 days of no sleep is killing me ............................................. this screaming is killing me ..............

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm ready to SCREAM !!!

What a week I am having......Well Tuesday I had to call and bring Ashlynn to the dr for her reflux she wont stop throwing up ..... and that was on 8 teaspoons of cereal in her bottles ....Well she the dr finally gave me ZanTac for her twice a day and told me to add 4 tablespoon of cereal now .. well yeswterday she throw that up twice ... she shouldnt be its so thick.... well the one last night she choked on the milk and stopped breathing .. YES STOPPED BREATHING ....... HER FACE WAS BLUE and i was going CRAZY..... we got her nose sucker and sucked it out her nose than her throat..... she breathed and than chocked again this happen 4 times wit h her turning blue ....... YES I WAS GOING CRAZY So I only gave her Pedialite the rest of the night .. NEVER THROW THAT UP HUMMMM werid huh my thought must be allergic to milk...So i said thats it im calling the dr in the morning .. which was today.. called and they said she would call me back..... well ashlynn had her ultrasound and dr apt for her hip at childrens hospital .. so I DROVE TO NEW ORLEANS on the causeway I DROVE FIRST TIME EVER DRIVING OUT THERE> iwas so scared i was feeling sick driving on it ...... any ways ... so everything went good there ... came out and it was storming ok ..... yeah storming ugh.... got the kids loaded and left and the road were flooded Kaitlynn was screaming bc she was scared bc of the water i was going in lol.... so i had her screaming and than got on the causeway to go back home.. and it was storming there too ughhhh scarey.... so i called the dr back and they said she would call me right back ugh.. so she did .... we talked and shes like maybe its a virus ... well no bc shes been throwing up since she was in the hospital.......i told her maybe shes allergic to milk.. she didnt think so... .. bc a side effect to allergic milk is throwing up and COLIC...... well guess what shes got colic shes been screaming all EVENING ... im going crazy ..... so she said she wants to change her FORMULA again 6th time just about ... and try the Enfarmil A.R. Lipil... which is for acid reflux and it has the cereal added all ready ... YEA .. and now all my bottles nippples are cutt and now i cant even USE them ughhhhhh .... soo off to buy new bottles .... im tired of all this .... so now shes on zantac and this new formula so far she hasnt thrown up today... WISH ME LUCK...... well so i get home and all day kk has been digging in her ear.. Oh did i say EAR .. UGH ... you think two surgerys would fix that problem ... NO I look in her ear and its all stopped up Guess what that means .... EAR INFECTION ... what else .. what else can i go through... DIDnt sleep the last two nights bc of COLIC..... I'm ready to CRY MY LITTLE EYES OUT .............. soooo thats what all went on today for me .... PRAY FOR ME >. SHES SCRAMING I BETTER GET HER ... NOTHINGS WORKING

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ashlynn dr apt

Ashlynn went to the dr for a weight ck.. she's 8lb 6 oz whoo hooo shes 5 oz ahead now ... they had to put 8 teaspoons of cereal in her bottle now though bc oof the refluxs...... shes doing great .. i take her back to childrens for her hips wed... n back to her dr on thurs ahhhhhh dr apts r killing me.... sorry im trying to feed her now so im typing with one hand

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This is Ashlynn with her Nu Nu and Burp rag... lol....... She loves her burp rag through her nu nu and holds onto it ........So now not only do i have to make sure i have a nu nu but NOW A RAG lol... They did this to her in the hospital the week she was there and now she wants it at home ..... Too cute huh.....And it has to be a
Miss Kaitlynn in her new bathingsuit showing it off lol....... Oh help me when she gets older !

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The girls

Heres some pictures i took of the girls today !

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 1 month old Ashlynn

AShlynn is now 1 month old... WOw time flies by !!! These are pictures take today after her bath so she was mad lol..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New pic

Marianne did the babys pictures..... Here's the ones i had on my computer..... I got qa new computer today so i dont have the other ones saved yet.... Marianne You did a GREAT job I love all the pictures.... Thanks so much ! lu ya